kickstarter process
kickstarter process

Fulfillmentistheactofcompletingyourprojectandsendingrewardstobackers.ItusuallystartsattheendofasuccessfulKickstartercampaign, ...,2023年12月2日—Thisprocesscantakeupto3businessdays,orlongerifadditionalrevisionsareneeded.PleasenotethatallDesign&Tec...

What are the basics?

4天前—Thefundinggoalistheamountofmoneythatacreatorneedstocompletetheirproject.FundingonKickstarterisall-or-nothing.Noonewillbe ...

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Fulfillment is the act of completing your project and sending rewards to backers. It usually starts at the end of a successful Kickstarter campaign, ...

How do I prepare to launch my project?

2023年12月2日 — This process can take up to 3 business days, or longer if additional revisions are needed. Please note that all Design & Technology projects ...

How to Launch a Product on Kickstarter

Developing and launching a product on Kickstarter is an exciting process, but it can also be overwhelming. ... Here are some steps for growing your community ...

Raise money on Kickstarter A step by step guide

2023年12月22日 — Through the Kickstarter platform, creators can create a profile, set a fundraising goal, and offer rewards to backers in exchange for their ...

Start your project — Kickstarter

Use Kickstarter to fund and build community around your creative work. We guide you through the process so you can present your ideas clearly.

The Project Review Process

2016年7月14日 — We crunched the numbers, and it takes us an average of about 30 hours to review most projects. However, if anything needs to be changed on your ...

What are the basics?

4 天前 — The funding goal is the amount of money that a creator needs to complete their project. Funding on Kickstarter is all-or-nothing. No one will be ...

What Is Kickstarter?

A Kickstarter campaign typically lasts about 30 days (they can last 1 - 60 days), and each project has a funding Goal that the campaign needs to hit for the ...


Fulfillmentistheactofcompletingyourprojectandsendingrewardstobackers.ItusuallystartsattheendofasuccessfulKickstartercampaign, ...,2023年12月2日—Thisprocesscantakeupto3businessdays,orlongerifadditionalrevisionsareneeded.PleasenotethatallDesign&Technologyprojects ...,DevelopingandlaunchingaproductonKickstarterisanexcitingprocess,butitcanalsobeoverwhelming....Herearesomestepsforgrowingyourcom...